PinnedAnnie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible Illness5 Subtle Signs You Experienced a Rough ChildhoodHow these behaviors can fly under the radar if you aren’t looking for them.Feb 380Feb 380
PinnedAnnie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessWhy You Feel Lonely Healing From TraumaLoneliness is a part of healing, but it’s not the final destination.Apr 2042Apr 2042
PinnedAnnie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessThe Reasons People With Complex PTSD Self-IsolateLearning compassion for those suffering from complex traumaSep 24, 202180Sep 24, 202180
Annie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessHow an Unpredictable Childhood Can Traumatize YouUnpredictable childhoods may be a cause of cPTSDAug 2313Aug 2313
Annie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessHow Shame Can Play a Big Role in Your Relationship Patterns3 ways childhood emotional invalidation can trigger feelings of adult shame.Aug 1130Aug 1130
Annie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessAre You Receiving Words of Affirmation or Being Lovebombed?How complex trauma can affect your perception of healthy connection vs. narcissistic intention.Aug 311Aug 311
Annie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessWhy You Can’t Shake That Chronic Feeling of EmptinessHow unpacking these core wounds can help your healing.Jul 2136Jul 2136
Annie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessWhat You Need to Know About Dating After a Trauma Bond4 things to help you safely navigate dating.Jul 1319Jul 1319
Annie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessHow Growing Up As An Unwanted Child Affects UsAccepting and Healing from Being UnwantedJun 2215Jun 2215
Annie Tanasugarn, PhDinInvisible IllnessThe Effects of Unprocessed Trauma on Your Emotional Maturity3 subtle signs of emotional immaturity in your life.Jun 1640Jun 1640